Bad Creek Pumped Storage Project

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Duke Energy

How to Get Involved

Project stakeholders play an important role in the relicensing process. Interested individuals and organizations are encouraged to participate. During the early phases of the relicensing process (approximately 2022-2025), stakeholders may:

  • Provide written comments documenting concerns regarding or support for the project.
  • Provide oral comments and ask questions of FERC staff and Duke Energy at public scoping meeting(s).
  • Submit study requests and participate in work groups that may be established to guide and report on specific studies.

A contact list, compiled by Duke Energy, will be maintained to include agencies, organizations, individuals, or groups with whom consultation is required by FERC’s licensing regulations or who have requested to be included as relicensing participants. The contact list will be used by Duke Energy to provide electronic notice of any public meetings, as well as notice of the availability of information for public review. You can request to be added to or removed from the list by contacting our team.

For additional information about how to get involved, refer to FERC’s Hydropower Licensing – Get Involved: A Guide for the Public.

Public Meetings

Duke Energy welcomes public involvement in the relicensing process. To date, the following public meetings have occurred:

  • Proposed Study Plan Meeting (September 7, 2022)
  • Virtual FERC Scoping Meetings (May 16-17, 2022)
  • Informational Public Meetings
  • Initial Study Report Meeting (January 17, 2024)
  • Informational Public Meetings
  • Updated Study Report Meeting

Bad Creek Relicensing Agreement Meetings

Location: Duke Energy's Wenwood Operations Center, 425 Fairforest Way, Greenville, SC 29607

Please check back regularly for updates.

How to Get Involved

The relicensing process details, milestones, and relevant documents for the Bad Creek Project will be available to the public. Interested individuals and organizations are encouraged to participate. A contact list, compiled by Duke Energy, will be maintained to include agencies, organizations, individuals, or groups with whom consultation is required by FERC’s licensing regulations or who have requested to be included as relicensing participants.

The contact list will be used by Duke Energy to provide electronic notice of any public meetings, as well as notice of the availability of information for public review. You can request to be added to or removed from the list by contacting our team.

Contact Us

Questions or comments? Fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible. Please note Duke Energy is not scheduling tours of the facility at this time.

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